Data that is trusted by over 14,000+ people like you
Global personas, real-time email verified and ready to target.
(No credit card required)
Find Decision Makers in companies globally
110+ Millon Global Profiles
65+ Million Decision Makers (C-Suite, Vice Presidet, Directors, etc.)
Access our database of over 65 Million+ decision maker email addresses from your most sought-after prospects. Keep your CRM up-to-date and send sales outreach emails with GlobalDBi’s real-time verified accurate email addresses.
14 Million+ Company profiles
It doesn’t matter if you know the company you’d like to outreach to, or if you haven’t yet discovered them, with GlobalDBi you can access over 14 million full company profiles, to help you find your future customers and connect with accurate data.
Generate more Leads & Deals
With over 110 million direct business emails and phones, GlobalDBi lets you reach your most unreachable prospect. Avoid prospects ghosting you on social media networks.
Here’s why you’ll love our data
GlobalDBi’s data Is unique
At GlobalDBi, we take sourcing data seriously. Our powerful algorithm and extensive resources ensure that our users have access to authoritative information from social media feeds, government records, and public databases – and access to strong Co-operatives with leading data, publishing, and association partners.!
Real-Time Email verified
Before you access any contact from GlobalDBi, we verify the email in real time via our verification partners and ensure you get a working and accurate email address. Thus, making sure your campaigns are delivered to inboxes, and also protecting your servers, domain reputation, and sending scores.
GDPR Aligned and CCPA Compliant
GlobalDBi’s data is higher than industry standards, is CCPA and GDPR compliant. Ensuring you’re marketing and prospecting with total peace of mind.